The services listed below are provided by the individual organisations shown. They are usually provided free of charge and you can meet with the provider at our convenient location here at Living & Learning Pakenham. Please contact the provider directly to make an appointment. Contact details are shown in the descriptions below.
Tax Help
Tax Help is a free & confidential service provided by local ATO-trained & accredited volunteers and now available at Living & Learning Pakenham. Low income earners who earn around $60,000 or less per year and have straightforward tax affairs are eligible to use this service.
This is a free service & is available by appointment from July to Oct 2024. Phone us on (03) 5941 2389 to book in, or visit the Australian Tax Office website for more information about the Tax Help program.

No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
NILS has now moved to Cockatoo NILS please contact them on 5968 7000 for an appointment.
(NILS) acknowledges that it is challenging for low-income consumers to cover the cost of major items. NILS enables people to avoid high interest loans to purchase whitegoods, car repairs, tyres & registration, furniture, education expenses: laptops, books, uniforms etc, health or dental expenses, plus more….
For more information visit the NILS website.

Legal Services – Free
Peninsula Community Legal Centre (PCLC) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that has been providing free legal services since 1977.
Free legal services are provided by staff and volunteers who are qualified lawyers or trained advocates.
PCLC offers free legal services to people who live, work or study in the municipalities of Frankston, Casey, Cardinia, Glen Eira, Kingston and Mornington Peninsula.
Legal Problems PCLC Can Assist With
- Family Law
- Intervention Orders
- Family Violence and related issues
- Criminal Law
- Employment
- Fines
- Debt
- Estate/Probate matters
- Crimes Compensation (Victims of Crime)
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Neighbourhood Disputes
- Tenancy – private rental, rooming house and caravan park
- Social Security law
Legal Problems PCLC Does Not Assist With
- Business/Commercial matters
- Conveyancing and Building Contract
- Taxation
- Loan applications/Guarantees
- Tenancy (public housing)
- Landlord or Trader issues
PCLC currently visits Living & Learning Pakenham on Tuesdays and Fridays. To make an appointment please phone PCLC on 9783 3600.
For more information visit the PCLC website.

Tenancy Assistance & Advocacy Program
Peninsula Community Legal Centre (PCLC), through its Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program (TAAP) team, provides a quality residential tenancy advice and advocacy service to those tenants who are financially disadvantaged or experiencing family violence and who have a private tenancy agreement under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (RTA) and live in the Southern Metropolitan or Bayside Peninsula regions of Melbourne.
This means that private tenants, rooming house residents and caravan park residents may obtain clear, timely and accurate tenancy advice and quality advocacy assistance at Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) from our TAAP team.
A priority service response with negotiation or VCAT assistance within 48 hours is also available. This will be assessed by our Intake Assessment Response (IAR) and it depends on your personal circumstances and the nature of your tenancy issues.
Our TAAP team provides eligible clients with advice on a wide range of residential tenancy matters such as urgent repairs, rent arrears, possession/notices to vacate, rent increases, lease breaking, breach of duty, site agreement, tenancy agreement matters, bond and compensation claims. Appointments are available in Frankston, Bentleigh, Cranbourne, Dandenong, Rosebud, Moorabbin, Pakenham, Dromana and St Kilda. We also offer duty advocate services at the Dandenong, Frankston, Moorabbin and Dromana VCAT venues.
If you require an appointment, please contact us on 03 9783 3600.
For more information visit the PCLC website.

Information & Referral Service
Living & Learning provides information referral, support, advocacy and negotiation for members of the Cardinia Shire community in relation to a wide range of issues i.e. Centrelink, utility bills, housing difficulties.
All client information is treated as strictly confidential. Living & Learning is a member of Community Information Victoria.
To make an appointment phone 5941 2389 or email